Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Done Drafted The Damn Thing

It's done. The first draft was approached with trepidation...had to virtually sneak up on it. Did the guerrilla thing and finished it. It's far from perfect, I would even say it is deeply flawed and unformed in many ways.
But it has the farm fresh goodness of a first draft. I have a first line, I have a (lovely) last line and I have a mess of stuff in the middle.
Went to bed at 3am with a smile on my face, woke up at 10am with a smile on my face.
And tonight, I go to bed at an earthly hour, Thank God.

Oh, and I finally visited the Miditech office. I am convinced it is run by the spawns of Satan.


  1. it a first draft of a short story or a novel. By now, you must be done editing the last draft too. Tell me about it. If its a novel, has it come out yet?

  2. It was a short story that I submitted to a contest. They were supposed to publish it last year but haven't done so yet. And they claim to possess the rights as well. It's a shitty situation.

  3. I can understand. Even i'm waiting on the mag contest - i guess u are in it too.....

  4. Yup! So frustrating! By the way, please tell me the link to your blog. Would love to read your writing :)

  5. I dont blog regularly but yes, i have uploaded some of my writings in the link below. Hope u like it:

  6. You read like a woman well-versed with pls tell me if its good enough (honestly i mean)
